One of the most common mistakes i see people make when they are attempting to diet down to single digit bodyfat levels, is a complete lack of intensity in the gym.

Training intensity can decline a little, after an extended period of extreme calorie restriction, or if the person starts doing excessive amounts of exercise (cardio) than what they were used to, but not after the first day of their diet, having dropped their calories from 3000/day to 2750!

I see this as more of a psychological issue, rather than a physical one.

I feel the ability to continue to smash fkn weights, whilst dieting down, helps immensely, in regards to maintaining your muscle mass, strength and that overall full, muscular look, even when going through an extended period of calorie restriction.

The people I see, who lose the ability to train hard and can never hit any personal best lifts, just because they have removed a few calories from their diet, also seem to struggle moreso with their fat loss.

Those that are able to maintain their maximal intensity in the gym are also able to lose more fat, more quickly and more consistently, over the course of their cutting phase, leading to a much more successful end result.

Stay bigger, stronger and fuller, by maintaining more muscle. Lose more body fat, by maintaining the metabolic stress that an intense, productive training session yields.

Eat at a calorie deficit and progressively overload.

…for as long as humanly possible. Until you are really fkn lean and depleted. Only then will I accept the fact your training will suffer a bit… but you would be surprised how little strength you actually lose, when you eat well, sleep well and really focus on maintaining it in the gym.

Train hard (not too much cardio), eat well (all the proteins) and sleep lots (8+hrs/night).

Time to get shredded.

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